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Can you fix the sound on my surface pro?

I have windows 10. The control panel doest help.

Posted - July 30, 2016


  • That's the have windows 10... :0|

    (I'm such a hypocrite)

    But you'll probably have to take it in for repair.

      July 30, 2016 8:59 PM MDT

  • 2758

    You can fix it yourself.  All you'll need is some thermite and a magnesium flare. :-)

    Seriously, lemme see if I can guess what happened: your Surface Pro was Win8 or thereabouts, and you let it 'update' to Win10.  Is this correct?  If so, you probably lost compatibility with your audio drivers.  You can TRY to update your drivers, but your guess is as good as mine as to whether it'll work.

      July 31, 2016 3:10 AM MDT